Listed in alphabetical order, these are some of the wedding & event photographers in our area that we have worked with, either personally or through clients.
There are many talented photographers in our area. We are sure by accident we may have left off a few in our lineup above; our apologies if we’ve missed you.
Our catalog with all things photo shoots will be coming out soon. Until then, here’s a link to view our branding shoot catalog.
If you are a photographer that would like one of our photo shoot catalogs in print, let us know; we’d be happy to send one your way.
Members are listed in alphabetical order. Scroll further to see all member details and a link to sign up.
Offer props or lounge furniture to your clients for photo shoots, styled shoots, or staging mini photo sessions, with our photographer membership.
Your photographer membership gives you access to all of our lounge furniture and props at a discounted rate. We will highlight your business on our site, with photos of your work (with our rentals) and a link to your business website.
Join our membership and get all the perks!
Main site – Suite 225
ANNex – Suite 125
Phoenix, Oregon
We are currently hosting pop in sessions for clients and prospective clients to view our collection in person. Pop in hours are posted on our homepage, Instagram and Facebook pages. Feel free to stop by during our pop in hours; no appointment needed. We’d love to see you!
Can’t make it in? Browse our collection online. Submit your wish list to confirm availability and start your reservation.